- My name is, obviously, Dean Wormald. I am an Assistant Language Teacher in Japan, an entrepreneur, a freelance digital specialist and a hobby blogger.
- I have been working in digital since 1999, when I did my first paid job for an Aviarian (bird) Society Tour website. My degree is a Bachelor of Multimedia (Marketing Major) from Southern Cross University. Since university I have worked in the interactive industry, for amnesia Razorfish, ninemsn/Microsoft, Clemenger BBDO and Clemenger Proximity.
- I grew up in Australia (Brisbane, Wooli, Grafton, Coffs Harbour, Newcastle, Sydney, Melbourne) and now live and work in Japan.
- I use deanwormald.com to post photos about random encounters, store my travel memories and generally provide sporadic bits of information on a broad spectrum of topics.
Other websites I run
Japan Travel Mate – Online guide to Japan tourism