Cheap multiple domain web hosting
I have been making websites for 10 years now. I have tried many different web hosting providers. Going for the cheaper end it is hard to find quality providers with quality hosting solutions. Most hosting packages only allow you to have one domain name pointing to your hosting. If you have multiple domain names and different websites, you need to buy another web hosting plan.
But then I found Host Geek. They offer great service and under their Savvy Geek web hosting plan, you unlimited ‘Addon Domains’ (this means unlimited domain names pointing to their own spot on the hosting, so you can have heaps of websites on the one host).

If you’re looking for web hosting plans in Australia…
Then Host Geek is for you, visit the Host Geek website and look at their Business Web Hosting plans. Don’t be fooled by the name, they can also be used (and are very suitable for) personal websites also.
Hi, actually I hadnt heard of Host Geek until now. they look pretty good. depends what you use it for i guess. when i got my website done, i much prefered to get the site built and hosted by the same company here and they have been absolutely great. i think if you dont get a website done, and want hosting for backing up files and stuff then host geek would be really good. is hostgeek based in australia or are they good because they service australia?
Hey andy, yes they are based in Australia meaning they have servers in Australia. You can save a lot of money on your website with something like Host Geek, because included in the hosting is site software called Fantastico which will automatically install WordPress. With WordPress you can make a good basic site for no extra cost (other than your domain name and hosting)…