Following the horrific bushfire season in Victoria in the summer of 2008/09, the White Pages team at Sensis briefed Clemenger Proximity to create a content managed site, allowing them to post contact details relative to public emergency situations.
White Pages Community was developed by my team and I to address this need, and with other stakeholders at Sensis on-board, sections of the site were added to showcase the annual Covers Program and general White Pages News.

My role, as well as the normal project management role taken on by a producer, was in creating the information architecture and interface layout. Jon Kerney took these and created a spacious and highly navigable interface design for the entire site. Anthony Smith then took these designs, and in a semi-R&D way set about developing the site in Drupal for a fully content managed site. This is really one of those sites that looks easy (thanks to the great work of said design/developer team) due to user interface, but was tricky technically to complete, and Anthony did a top job of customising the workflow for the CMS user.