Finally, I’ve done it. From the initial thoughts years ago, to the start of methodical work on it, my venture into selling in the online space has commenced.
After a degree in Mutlimedia (marketing major) and 5 years working in some of Australia’s leading interactive agencies and businesses, I wanted to share my knowledge of making successful websites. So I created the PDF eGuide and a companion website and support system: You Make The Website.

Head over to now and see what it’s all about.
So… what is You Make The Website?
It is a PDF eGuide (I won’t go as far as saying eBook, it’s only around 120 pages) and a set of two companion websites: one holds resources and articles; the other is a member on support forum.
I began working on the eGuide about a year ago. The guide is aimed at Australian people who want to make personal websites, and small businesses who want to make business websites. The outcome either way, is a professional website and a strategy to get real, interested, quality traffic to your site.
The eGuide itself is step-by-step and is suitable for anyone. If you’ve never made a blog or a website before, just follow the steps to get the job done. If you’ve made sites before, follow the steps to make a website the right way, and check out the advanced tips along the way. The guide is split into two parts: making the website; getting traffic to come.
The companion website,, has lots of resources for those following the eGuide. Some of the pages are password protected available only to those who purchase the guide.
There is also a support forum site, which gives free access to support for people who have purchased the guide. You can ask me questions about anything in the guide, to help to get your site built.
Why Australia only?
There are some small but important differences when creating a website in Australia compared to other countries. Also my experience in the industry over the years has been in making successful Australian websites. I’m currently working on the international version of You Make The Website. I have a few personal websites based in other countries, from which I will draw knowledge to create this guide.
So if you want to make a website and get it done right the first time learn more about this guide to creating websites.