Halo 4 (woops I meant Halo Fore)
So amazingly glad that someone at amnesia put an archived version of the Halo Fore online challenge somewhere accessible. This was such a cool little project and I can’t believe we got away with the name and use of actual Halo game props!

Play Halo Fore. Over 3.5 million games have been played and $15,000 raised for charity! Now THAT is how you do viral…
Xbox 360 water balloon world record
On a bit of a trip at the moment tracking down work I’ve done over the years. This one was a definite standout, during my early days at amnesia.

View the full story ‘Australia and Xbox break world water balloon record!‘.
Xbox Konsoles for Kids

This was a fun one to watch, the Halo 3 console with autographs from the Bungie team sold for $24,000!
Heaps more work was done for Xbox, including many custom features for xbox.com.au, they were a great client and gave us really great creative room to move.
P.S. Next mission, check through old amnesia projects to add to my portfolio.
Great article I’ve just added to my bookmark list.